The group runs a number of eMailing Lists to ease communication to all.
Email addresses for parents will be subscribed to the relevant List for the Section their child is in (Joeys/Cubs/Scouts) and if they are also a Leader or Parent helper or on the Group Support Committee.
The prime purpose of the Section lists is to communicate to Parents.
If the Scout youth members want to be a member of the Scout Section List then that is great. We encourage them to be across upcoming events and information. All that is required is to update your Scouts Victoria record with the youth member’s email address. Please ask, and we will send you a link that will allow you to do that.
The Leaders and Group Support Committee Lists are for communication within that group of people.
Emails to these Lists from addresses that are not subscribers to the List will be held to be approved by a moderator.
There are other lists used, such as TroopCouncil, Venturer, Rover and whole of Group lists that you may see from time to time.
Subscription to these lists are automatic and based on your Scouts Victoria membership records.
If you want to email specific leaders please see the contacts page.